Gameplay Feature: Grappling Hook Kickback Sequence
Posted on April 30, 2024 by Brad Duke
Forced off a precipice by a monstrous foe, and hurtling toward certain death, Sho throws his grappling hook. It snags a building! Launching himself back into the sky, he casts his grappling hook again, and like the wind itself, rises above his enemy. In a sudden dive, Sho draws his magical blade, and unleashes a frenzy of furious blows, ending with a final, fatal flourish.
One of the most noticeable features in the game is the left outlane Grappling Hook Kickback. When activated, it fires the ball across the playfield into the Shrine Scoop, which fires it back across the playfield to the Dojo Scoop, which fires it to the upper flipper, setting up a Sword Ramp shot. Not only does it save the player from a drain, but, like a ninja swinging through the sky, or jumping up walls, it launches the player back into the thick of the action.
Some may find this feature reminiscent of some classic ninja video games.

Ninja Gaiden Wall Jump
To light this feature, hit the 7 SAMURAI Stand Up Targets. 2 kickbacks may be stored. If there are two stored, the kickback will periodically blink twice to communicate this. Additionally, like imbuing a sword with magic, if the player successfully hits a Sword Ramp shot from this kickback sequence in a battle, a 1.5X playfield multiplier starts. If the Sword Ramp is hit more, it will start a 2X, and then a 3X playfield multiplier.

Kickback Light Insert

Sword Ramp Shot

Fury Frenzy Art

Playfield Multiplier Light Inserts